Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Overcoming Addiction

For more information please contact us at 1-800-513-5423

Dr. Phil believes addictions always serve a need. For many, it's a basic emotional need of coming to terms with self-worth and developing a strong sense of self. And the best thing you can possibly do is take action! Use Dr. Phil's strategies to make positive changes in your life:

Find the courage to determine what you need that you're not getting.

List three things that you feel you're running from in your life. What are you using your addictions to avoid? Get to the heart of the matter.

You can't change what you don't acknowledge. Get real with yourself. Ask the tough questions — and listen closely to your answers.

Behave your way to success. Instead of being afraid to be a successful person, learn how to own those positive feelings.

Work on how to present yourself on an "even-up" basis with the world. How can you know if you can stand on your own without the crutch of your addiction unless you remove it? 

Stop running. You can run but you can't hide. Stop putting your own happiness off until tomorrow.

Remember, you don't ever break a habit. If you want to get rid of bad behavior, you have to replace it with something positive — something that will make you stronger instead of weaker. Work on identifying positive behaviors that would make good replacements for your addictions.