Sunday, May 31, 2015

Learning to Overcome Addiction Part 1

Learning to Overcome Addiction    Part 1  

This is a 4 part blog, dedicated to helping you overcome addiction. 

Look at your addiction and compile a list of all the harmful things that the addiction has caused in your life. This can be very disheartening, but seeing the ways that drugs have affected all parts of your life can help you realize that it is time for a change. Get a pen and a notebook and write down all the negative ways that addiction has controlled your life, health, friendships, religion, family, and appearance.

List the ways the addiction has hurt you personally but also mentally.  Are you ashamed or embarrassed  about your addiction? This is a common feeling that can be accompanied by depression and anxiety.

How has the addiction to drugs or alcohol affected your relationships with other people? Has it prevented you from perusing a relationship that you have wanted to peruse?

List the ways in which the addiction has hurt you physically and how it has affected your health in general . Have you ever or do you now had any illness or illnesses that are a direct or indirect result from your addiction.

Has your addiction taken a toll on you financially?
  As we fall deeper into addiction it can take a toll on our financial standings and bank accounts. List the time and money that is spent on perusing the drugs, paying for the drugs, picking them up and waiting for them to arrive. Take into account not only the financial toll but also the time it took to secure the drugs.

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