Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bulimia Nervosa in Teens

Teenage girls with bulimia is becoming a growing issue in this day in time. If your daughter has an eating disorder, now is the time to get her help, before it is too late. 
Call us at 1-800-819-9973 

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Bulimia Nervosa
my daughter has bulimiaYoung girls with bulimia binge eat large portions of food, then shortly after excuse themselves and while out of sight and earshot, they purge their food by induced vomiting. This practice can be extreme; with  self induced vomiting and the consumption of large quantities of food, putting the teens body in distress. Laxative and binge exercising can be associated with this disorder as well.
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Signs, Symptoms, and Consequences
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Stomach and intestinal distress— Inflammation of the stomach lining and gastritis are common among those who binge eat and purge, due to the stress on the system. Abusing laxatives alters the bodies chemical balance robing it of essential minerals and fluids. This leads to the digestive tract and lining becoming damaged, and eventually burns out the colon. In severe cases, the colon must be removed.
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Esophageal Injury— Repeated purging releases bile and acid to rise from the stomach, which can irritate and lead to inflammation of the esophagus, narrowing of the throat passageway, and in some cases tearing the lining of the esophagus which can lead to a fatal rupture.
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Tooth Decay and Rot—- Vomiting increases the mouths ph level making it more acidic resulting in erosion of tooth enamel and dentin.
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Kidney and Heart Problems—- When a person binges and purges, this has a profound effect on the vital mineral intake and fluids that we need to run our bodies. Food and fluid intake is the fuel that runs our bodies and denying the body of these vital key elements and minerals can lead to the shutting down of essential systems. Low potassium levels and what can become chronic dehydration, will eventually lead to kidney distress and eventually failure of the organ completely. With the frequent vomiting, associated with Bulimia, it brings with it higher than normal alkali levels in the blood stream and the body tissue itself. High potassium levels and severe alkalosis can lead to irregular heart rhythms and cause sudden death in some teenage girls.

To get your son or daughter help for an eating disorder, call us at 1-800-819-9973 now