Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Handling a loved one with Addiction Problems part 2

How To Handle A Loved One With An Addiction – Part 2

No one is born with a set of instructions on how to handle an addict. My perspective on what tends to work and what doesn’t, or perhaps better said, what can be helpful and what definitely is not, is born of my own experience as an addict. When I was ready to recover, and when I wanted it because it was what I knew I needed, it mattered little what people had said or hadn’t said. Nonetheless, looking back, I can see that some approaches were helpful while others resulted only in resentments I had to later work through in recovery.

How to Handle A Loved One With An Addiction - Part 2 | Addiction Help

What Is Helpful When Dealing With An Addict

By labeling these ideas “helpful,” I do not mean to imply that they will achieve the desired result of getting the addict to get clean. It is rather to say that these approaches are less likely to do harm and are more likely to help maintain a relationship of trust between you and the addict. In the end, the addict has to choose recovery because she wants it—not because you do.

Give Space

Addicts are already isolators, so it may appear that all they want is more and more space and time to be alone and practice their addiction. By giving space, I mean to say, emotional space. Keep the addict near and continue to engage to the degree that she is able or willing. But refrain from making every conversation or occasion together about the disease. The addict already feels the all-pervasiveness of it. You don’t need to keep bringing it up or checking in.

Share The Struggle

Many families of addicts make the mistake of keeping the issue a secret. This failure to reach out is generally based in the fear of the stigma attached to addiction and mental illness. But you need support and help in what may be a very long battle. Start by speaking with a pastor at your church or with trusted family friends. You do not need to be ashamed, this is no one’s fault. Addiction is painfully isolating not only for the addict but for the family who has to live and deal with the secret problem as well. Humble yourself to bring others in for support.

Get Help For You

Addiction touches and traumatizes the lives of everyone in its midst. Family members and even friends can benefit from counseling or a series of Al-Anon meetings. Become educated about the disease and learn what you can and cannot realistically expect from an addict. Learn to recognize patterns of manipulation and become aware of your own potential tendencies for co-dependency and enabling. Find out how to set proper boundaries around a person with addiction and get the support you need in sticking to them. Programs like Al-Anon are miraculous in helping those who live with addicts to understand what their role is in dealing with an addict.
While I was blessed with recovery from my anorexia, I watched another young girl lose her life to it at the age of 24. If the addict you love does not find recovery, you must not blame yourself. You cannot save someone who will not be saved. By the same token, you cannot, even by poorly chosen words and unthinking behavior, stop someone from seeking recovery and getting well if that is what they have decided to do.
If you or a loved one is seeking help for 
addiction, give us a call at 1-800-513-5423 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Handling a loved one with Addiction Problems Part 1

How To Handle A Loved One With An Addiction – Part 1

There is no easy way to approach, handle or talk to a loved one struggling with addiction.
If you have an addict in your life, expect it to be difficult, awkward and uncomfortable. There will be good days and bad days, there will be small successes followed by perhaps greater setbacks. You will be pushed to your emotional limit and you will be forced to face your own inability to change a person you love. You will be wholly incapable of making him see that what you want is what’s best for him.

Helping Those Dealing With Addicts

Dealing with addicts isn’t intuitive. We don’t simply discern how to get through to them or how to interact with them based on common sense or reason. While respecting addicts as people, it will help the non-addicts in their midst to understand that reason, good sense, morality and self-preservation are no longer part of a framework within which they operate or a common ground upon which to meet.

How to Handle A Loved One With An Addiction - Part 1 - Copy

But that doesn’t mean we write addicts off as crazy and give up hope. Having been an addict myself, I had a lot of people around me trying to help or cure or fix me in different ways. From the vantage point of recovery, I can now look back and comment on what was helpful and what wasn’t. Even a decade later, I remember how the people around me treated me when I was drowning in the despair of my addiction. While nothing you say will make or break an addict’s chances of recovering, there are ways of communicating and interacting that are harmful and pain-inducing, and there are better, more helpful ways of trying to relate to a person who is indeed quite sick.

What Not To Do When Dealing With An Addict

Guilt Trips

Yes, the addict is making everyone’s life difficult and causing a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering. She breaks plans, she fails to keep her commitments, she is unreliable and unpredictable. And guess what: she already knows it. Asking things like, “Do you realize what you are doing to your mother?” or, “Don’t you understand how you are hurting us?” are not helpful. The addict, though selfish in the extreme, is not oblivious to the pain, difficulty and chaos she is bringing into the lives of those around her. But she is not able to stop it. A guilt trip presupposes that the person being guilted is acting deliberately or out of malice. It assumes that he or she has some control over the offending behavior. An addict does not.


You’ll do anything, make any promise, as long as the addict will agree to stop the addiction and get help. But the addict is powerless to take you up on that offer. The addiction is boss. As appealing as your offer might be, it simply isn’t possible. Addicts are known for high-stakes gambling. They gamble their families, their jobs and anything good they can claim. They know what they have to lose and they do it anyway. They don’t do it because they don’t care; they do it because the illness is in fact that powerful and enslaving.

Endless Pleading And Cajoling

This is also known as nagging and it is never helpful or effective. It’s not that the addict doesn’t care, it’s that she cannot stop what she is doing on the basis of your wishes—even if she wanted to. The disease is a lot stronger than that. It’s a lot stronger than she is. In the end, the addict may tell you what you want to hear, but then go back to business as usual. She knows you think there is a problem. You don’t have to continue to restate it.

Implying Fault Or Agency

Loved ones must burn into their minds that both substance and process addictions are not choices that the addict is making. As a result, blaming addicts or implying that they are practicing their addiction simply because they are selfish and unloving is not only incorrect, but cruel. Understand that the addict is in the grip of something much bigger than him or herself. Addiction is an illness like diabetes or cancer. You may hope that addicts will take the appropriate steps to manage the condition, but it is unhelpful to imply that they do what they do on purpose.

Ignoring The Issue

If there is nothing that can be said to make an addict want to seek help, and if the nagging and the pleading are ineffective, does that mean it’s better to say nothing at all? Is it better to ignore the issue, make the best of it or hope it all just goes away? No. Something does indeed need to be said and maybe even done, but the ways in which you speak and act hold the difference between showing genuine love and support, and being a nuisance and a nag.
While your words and expressions of concern may not effect immediate change in the addict’s life, while they may not leave your chat promising to check into treatment, the addict will benefit from the knowledge that you cared enough to say something out of concern and love. Don’t pretend there isn’t a problem.
If you or a loved one is seeking help for 
addiction, give us a call at 1-800-513-5423 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Rehab for Teen girls Help Line -Teen Substance Abuse Treatment Options

 free drug rehabs for teenagersTeen Girls More Vulnerable to Alcohol and Drug Use  

Thursday, October 15, 2015

5 Myths About Relapse

5 Myths About Relapse

5 Myths About Relapse

Misconceptions can be persistent and pervasive. In complicated topics and situations, communication often becomes a game of schoolyard telephone where the final product is garbled. Addiction and relapse are two such complicated topics that are marred by myths.
Unfortunately, myths about relapse can be dangerous and prohibitive.
Here are 5 relapse myths that we need to dispel right away:

 1. Relapse is a single event.

Contrary to popular belief, relapse is a process not always a single event. During that process, there are often warning signs in the recovering person’s attitude and behavior.
A relapse begins long before a person actually returns to drinking. A recovering person will usually start thinking and behaving in the same way they did before, while in the grips of their addiction. They can experience a shift in attitude and decide that recovery just isn’t as important to them as it used to be, or they could start to deny they ever had a drinking problem at all.
Learn the signs of relapse and keep it at bay. Remember why you started this recovery journey in the first place and keep some affirmations handy for when the going gets tough.
Most importantly, when you need help, reach out and get it.

2. Relapse Means Failure

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
Recovery is ongoing. If you or someone you know relapses, it is completely possible to get back on the path to recovery.
A relapse cannot destroy all of the hard work you’ve put into recovery thus far. Relapse is not the end of your sobriety journey.
The difficulty of restoring recovery will often depend on how far into the relapse you’ve gotten. If you catch a relapse early enough, you may be able to benefit from a quick turn around. But if you’re deep into a relapse before it’s discovered, you may need to enter or re-enter a treatment facility. No matter the depth of your relapse, you CAN restore your sobriety and get back on the right track.

3. People Who Relapse Just Aren’t Motivated Enough

Conquering addiction requires more than just motivation. Sustaining sobriety takes an enormous amount of willpower and willingness to adapt. But anybody can relapse. And the process can be triggered by things like strong emotions, difficult situations, or tempting environments. 
It doesn’t matter if you’re 20 years into sobriety or 20 days in. Mistakes happen, relapses happen. It has less to do with motivation and more to do with how prepared you are for the worst-case scenario. Relapse is a real threat for everyone, that’s why recovery is a lifelong journey.

4. Someone Who Relapses Just Hasn’t Hit “Bottom” Yet

There is no prerequisite “bottom”. Thinking this way perpetuates the dangerous idea that some people are not yet worthy of treatment.
If you feel like you’re sick enough to seek treatment, then by-golly you’re sick enough to seek treatment!
You don’t owe any particular amount of pain and suffering before you’re worthy of recovery. A relapse is a relapse. Anyone can slip up.
The most important part of relapse is your response. Make sure there are people holding you externally accountable for your recovery. Find support in other people who are seeking sobriety. If you have built a good support structure, people will notice changes in your behavior or if you withdraw. If you’ve prepared them for all possibilities, they will be able to intervene and help you.

5. We Shouldn’t Talk About Relapse

Did I say wrong already? Because this is so crazy wrong!
You know that expression “the best offense is a good defense”? Well it rings true in the addiction world. To avoid relapse, you should know as much about it as possible.
Talking about relapse won’t make it come about anymore than talking about a new car will make one magically appear in your driveway. How will you noticed the warning signs if you don’t even know what they are? Talk about it and talk about it often. Tell the people in your life what a relapse might look like and get them in your corner. Help them help you.
Tune into your mental state and be conscious of your behavior so that you’re able to recognize the signs of relapse. If you start seeing those signs, ask for help, sooner rather than later.
I’m not here to condone relapse. I’m here to tell you recovery is possible no matter what kind of bumps you hit along the way.
Knowledge and honesty will be your best weapons in the fight for sobriety.
Understanding the truth about relapse is the first step to avoiding one.


Shelby Hendrix is a blogger from the Northern Midwest with close personal ties to the addiction world. She focuses on the addiction landscape to reach out to those fighting alcoholism and compel them to seek an informed, healthy recovery.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Alcohol and it's effects



Alcoholics usually do not know they are out of control.
Alcohol is one of the most sinister of drugs that draws a thin, usually imperceptible line between social use and addictive use. People often do not know when they have become addicted to alcohol - when casual drinking turns to dependency drinking and finally to biochemically-controlled drinking. Indeed, alcohol addicts often rely on alcohol as a crucial component of their personality - without a drink, they simply cannot be themselves. Where can I find help for an Alcohol Addiction? Right here, this is the site that will help you find the help you need.
Family members often try to protect an alcoholic from the results of his behavior by making excuses to others about his alcoholism and by getting him out of drug-related jams. It is important to stop all such rescue attempts immediately, so that the alcoholic will fully experience the harmful effects of his use and thereby become more motivated to stop.
Alcohol is a sedative hypnotic. It is a powerful drug available to virtually anyone who wants to try it. It is estimated that 14 million people in the United States -- 1 in every 13 adults -- abuse alcohol or are alcoholic.
Alcoholism is also known as "alcohol dependence." It is a disease that includes alcohol craving and continued drinking despite repeated alcohol-related problems, such as losing a job or getting into trouble with the law.

ALCOHOL WITHDRAWALSymptoms of alcohol withdrawal include sweating, rapid pulse, increased hand tremors, insomnia, nausea or vomiting, physical agitation, anxiety, auditory hallucinations, and the possibility of grand mal seizures. These physical and emotional symptoms may be extremely severe depending on the individual's alcohol abuse history.

ALCOHOL DEPENDENCEAlcoholism is also known as "alcohol dependence." It is a disease that includes alcohol craving and continued drinking despite repeated alcohol-related problems, such as losing a job or getting into trouble with the law. Alcoholism includes four symptoms:

Craving--A strong need, or compulsion, to drink.
Impaired control--The inability to limit one's drinking on any given occasion.
Physical dependence--Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, when alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy drinking.
Tolerance--The need for increasing amounts of alcohol in order to feel its effects.

When a person is known to have consumed large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time and the:
Person is unconscious and cannot be woken.
Person has cold, clammy unusually pale or bluish skin.
Person is breathing slowly or irregularly - usually this means less than 8 times a minute or 10 seconds or more between any two breaths.
Person vomits while passed out and does not wake up during or after.SOCIAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS

The more heavily you drink, the greater the potential for problems at home, at work, with friends, and even with strangers. These problems may include:
Arguments with or separation from your spouse and other family members;
Strained relationships with coworkers;
Absence from or lateness to work with increasing frequency;
Loss of employment due to decreased productivity; and
Committing or being the victim of violence.

ALCOHOL AND PREGNANCYDrinking alcohol while you are pregnant can cause a range of birth defects, and children exposed to alcohol before birth can have lifelong learning and behavioral problems. The most serious problem that can be caused by drinking during pregnancy is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Children born with FAS have severe physical, mental, and behavioral problems. Because scientists do not know exactly how much alcohol it takes to cause alcohol-related birth defects, it is best not to drink any alcohol during this time.

EFFECTSBecause alcohol affects nearly every organ in the body, long-term heavy drinking increases the risk for many serious health problems, some of which are described below. Women may develop alcohol-related health problems sooner than men, and from drinking less alcohol than men. Health problems often develop gradually and may become evident only after many years of heavy drinking such as:

Heart disease: Heavy drinking over a long period of time increases the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and some kinds of stroke.

Cancer: Long-term heavy drinking increases the risk of certain forms of cancer, especially cancer of the esophagus, mouth, throat, and larynx (voice box). Research suggests that, in some women, as little as one drink per day can slightly raise the risk of breast cancer. Drinking may also increase the risk for developing cancer of the colon and rectum.

Pancreatitis: The pancreas helps regulate the body’s blood sugar levels by producing insulin. The pancreas also has a role in digesting the food we eat. Long-term heavy drinking can lead to pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas. Acute pancreatitis can cause severe abdominal pain and can be fatal. Chronic pancreatitis is associated with chronic pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.
Abuse of alcohol can cause damage to many of the body's organs. Researchers report damage to brain tissue, heart muscle, and reproductive organs in both males and females. Alcohol may cause the drinker's blood pressure to rise, putting him or her at risk for heart attack and stroke. Stomach ulcers, poor nutrition and sexual dysfunction have all been related to alcohol abuse.

Alcohol is a Drug...Alcohol is a depressant, which slows down thinking and actions. It acts on the brain and affects all parts of the body. An average-size person's liver can break down about one drink per hour; the rest of the alcohol circulates throughout the body, affecting behavior, judgment, perception, and motor skills - such as driving and operating machinery.

If you or a loved one is suffering from alcohol abuse, call is at 1-800-513-5423 and we can help. This is a free service.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Christian Drug Rehabilitation 1-866-391-6530

Who we are

Christian Drug Rehabilitation was started with the goal to help Christians recover not only their lives but their faith as well. We believe that in order to be truly delivered from addiction there needs to be a healing of the spirit, then the mind and body. Those with the goals of growing in Christ and healing their addictions, have a more successful drug rehab experience. Christian Drug Rehab is a step above their secular counterparts and have a better success rate when treating Christians for addiction.

We are Christians in recovery ourselves and know what it takes to have  long lasting sobriety. We specialize in finding the best Christian Drug Rehab to fit your specific needs and faith. There are many options for christian treatment centers in the United States and finding the right one is very important to your recovery.  Please call our Christian Treatment Helpline to speak with a counselor. The call is free and the service is free. 1-866-391-6530

Monday, October 12, 2015

Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse

perscription drug addiction help for christians                                           

How does prescription drug abuse begin ?
Prescription drug abuse begins usually when a person is prescribed a drug by their doctor for a legitimate medical problem. Most people who find themselves addicted to prescription drugs have no history of drug or alcohol abuse. They may take an opiate for pain, a sedative to sleep or a benzo for anxiety, because it makes them feel better. As time goes by, the rate in which the drug works seems less and less, so the frequency of the drug intake gets shorter or the amount that is needed to feel the same way is increased. Soon, the body is needing the drug increasingly more and more. This is where the addiction kicks in.
Most Christians that find themselves needing to handle a prescription drug addiction feel ashamed and helpless, as they need to continue to take the drugs in order to function and live their lives. 
The rate of prescription drug abuse has risen by over 150% since the early 90’s. While these drugs are prescribed by doctors and handed out by pharmacists most people do not understand the drugs can be highly addictive if not taken  as prescribed. The abuse of prescription drugs can be more difficult to detox from than street drugs. Some prescriptions can even have life threatening consequences for those who just stop the use of the drug. 
The problem is more widespread than previously thought, recognizing the signs of abuse may save you or a loved one the painful detox from these types of drugs.

Using drugs that are not prescribed to the person taking the drugs.
Prescription painkillers are only meant to be used for the specific reason they are prescribed and the dosage is laid out so there is no problem stopping the drugs. If a person is using a pain killer to just relax, deal with stressful situations or fall asleep, this is a sign that there might be a problem that needs to be handled.
If you see more than one prescription from different doctors or have several different medications to handle the same problem, you may need to look more closely into the problem. Shopping for doctors is a huge sign that there is a problem. Doctor shopping refers to a person going to different doctors in order to gain access to more medications for the same or similar ailment, usually for painkillers or anxiety medications.
Having to get prescription drugs for a source other than a doctor is also a sign of addiction to prescription medication. Often times, you will notice that the medications in the home start to disappear at a more rapid rate than you would expect. Many people that become addicted to painkillers are not getting them from doctors and rely on family and friends for the source of their drugs. They may pay someone for their medications or just take some from the bottle in hopes that it will not be missed.
Confronting someone with concerns over prescription drug abuse can be difficult but the alternative could quite possible be life threatening if  ignored.
 If you suspect that someone that is close to you or even yourself might have a problem with prescription drugs give us a call and we will discuss the options available to you to and get the prescription abuse under control.

hotline for drug addiction

Sunday, October 4, 2015

What do you do if the person does not want help?

What do you do if the person does not want help?
   A Free Intervention Can Help  When you have a person in your life that has a problem and they do not want to receive help. Call Us and we can help you locate an intervention specialist that can work with most peoples budgets.

Family interventions that put the family first

Drug and alcohol interventions that are affordable.
Interventions that you may or may not have researched can get to be quite costly if you do not shop around. Most interventionists will not guarantee that they will be able to get your loved one into treatment for his or her addiction. Choosing the right interventionist is very important and pairing the interventionist with the individual that needs the help does help get the desired result which is to get your loved one into the treatment that they need to be happy and whole once again. Our Family interventionists puts the family first as this is the foundation of any successful intervention.

Is there a good time to hold an intervention for a loved one?
When we think of holding an intervention for a loved one there is always the thought in the back of our minds that the individual in question will come to us eventually for help. But in most cases it takes something or several somethings to go adversely wrong for them to want to change. Most addicts when they get to the point where their addiction is out of control  have already distanced themselves from the  family and friends that love them. When you stop feeling loved and supported by friends and family things start to spiral out of control. This is why it is important to act quickly and help them handle the addiction before it becomes to late.
As we watch our loved one become less and less of the person we once knew it becomes apparent that things are not going to change on their own. It is at this point we need to interject our influence and love on the individual to help them facilitate the change that is so greatly needed. We just can't sit around and wait for things to change. It is our responsibility to help them come to the decision to accept help with their addiction.

                   Call Now Our counselors are here to help you


       The Intervention Process.
* Starting with the initial consultation over the phone to one of our Counselors we will start to understand the scope and type of addiction we have to confront. We will also help you with ideas and suggestions on how to handle the addict while we get the intervention put into action.
* Once we have a plan and a place to hold the intervention we will start to contact family, friends, coworkers and anyone else that the person that we are holding the intervention for interacts with on a regular basis these are people that are not using drugs. We need to be careful in the selection of people to be present at the intervention so we can maintain a positive environment, and a positive group.

Intervention family and friends training or commonly known as the (family intervention).
The first step and first day in the intervention process begins with the family intervention. This intervention on the family is where we learn how we are allowing and actually helping our loved one stay addicted to drugs or alcohol. It is in this session that we learn that when we thought we were helping the addict out but actually the only thing we were helping to grow was the addiction. Through this process we will help you learn the actual scope of their addiction and how to best handle the situation to gain the best possible outcome.

Elimination the what IF's
We will help you understand all the main reasons that the addict cannot commit to treatment at this time. It is important to be aware of all the excuses that an addict can use to not change anything in their lives. We will address any and all issues that will put a roadblock in the way of the addict accepting treatment right now. There is never a good time to enter into treatment for addiction and no one plans to have an addiction problem that they need to address. If we wait for a good time, for them to enter treatment, it may be to late.

Intervention Process
Once the loved one arrives they will be greeted with smiles and love, it is important to make them feel loved and be surrounded by family and friends.
* Introductions are made and then the Christian interventionist will bring up the topic of the families concerns and tells them why we are all there and lowers the anxiety of the loved one.
* The intervention starts with stories good and bad and concerns of how things just are not the same anymore. We all just want our loved one back. We need you back. We use the training and the tools that were learned the previous day to get them to agree that treatment is the best option as they start to hear of the consequences if they choose to not enter treatment
*If the loved one is at the point where they are not in agreement for treatment, they will start to realize that all the enabling that has been facilitating their addiction will stop. One by one we pull things away until they realize that they are at the bottom and need help. Everyone has a bottom and at that point we can offer solutions to their problems and get an agreement for help.

The main Reasons that interventions fail.
* Family tries to hold the intervention on their own, without training and help.
* A member of the intervention group is in agreement with the addict.
* Family does not follow through with consequences.
* There is an antagonistic person at the intervention.
* Someone tips off the addict to the intervention.